Quick Sort
- Quick Sort another sorting algorithms that uses divide and conquer strategy.
Pivot Element
- A fundamental part of quick sort is a something called a Pivot Element, it is the element in the array that is in the right place.
- By that we mean, all the elements to the Pivot Element's left are lower than it and all elements to its right are greater than it.
Pivot element
For example, in this array [8, 4, 3, 10, 12, 11, 32, 47]
, 10
would be a pivot element.
- Pivot elements allow use to apply to divide and conquer technique to the sorting of the array.
- The two new and separate sub-problems here then would be, the sorting of two slices of the arrays to the left and right of the pivot element.
- This process can be applied recursively until all elements are in their right place.
Finding a Pivot element
- Portioning is the process of finding the pivot element and create one if non-exists.
Time Complexity
- The time complexity of this recursive algorithm, where we partition each array into two arrays at each level of recursion.
- Best Case
- If the Pivot element at every recursion is a the median of that array, that it is apears at the middle of the array.
- Then, the array is divided in half at each recursion.
- The Time Complexity would be \(O(n * logn)\).
- But, we do not know the median upfront, and cannot ensure that the median and pivot element are the same.
Pivot element
For example, here [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
, if 4
is chosen as a pivot element, it is also the median of the array.
The array would be partitioned in two equal half for the next recursion.
- Worst Case
- Worst case occurs, when the partition occurs at the beginning of the list.
- The Time Complexity would be \(O(n^2)\).
Pivot element
For example, here [2, 4, 8, 10, 16, 18, 17]
, if 2
is chosen as a pivot element.
Then the array would be partitioned, with only on element on the one of the partitions.
Improving Worst Case
- Always select the middle element as pivot.
- Select a random element as pivot.
Memory Complexity
- Best case is \(log n\), as there \(log n\) recursions and stacks.
- Worst case is \(n\), as there \(n\) recursions and stacks.