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Analysis of Algorithms

Key characteristics of algorithms

  • Input
  • Output
  • Definiteness -> Clear and Unambiguous
  • Finiteness ->
  • Effectiveness -> Nothing superfluous

Important Metrics of Algorithm performance

  • Time
  • Space
  • Network Consumption
  • Power Consumption
CPU registers

For device drivers and other low-level algorithms, another metric of analyses could be the number of CPU registers the algorithm utilizes.

  • Datatypes are decided at Program time, we don’t usually care when we write pseudocode.
  • Every simple statement, we assume takes 1 unit of time,
    • Of course, this is really shallow, at machine-code this can change
    • How deep we would want to go in an analysis is up to us.
Example 1: Calculating Time and Space Complexity

  temp = a;
  a = b;
  b = temp;
\(f(n) = 3\)

Frequency Count Method

Sum of all elements in an array.

sum (A, n) {
    s = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
       s = s + A[i]
    return s;

  • i changes n+1 times, inside the loop the statements executed for n times. The first and return statement add 2 more the time complexity.
  • \(f(n) = 2n + 3 = O(n)\) -> Order of n.
  • A, n, s, I
  • Just 3 variables, each is one word, and one array of size n.
  • \(S(n) = n + 3 = O(n)\) -> Order of n.
Sum of two matrices

add(A, B, n) {
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { # -> n + 1
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { # -> n x (n + 1)
            C[i,j] = A[i,j] + B[i,j]; # -> n x n

  • \(f(n) = n + 1 + n^2 + n + n^2 = 2*n^2 + 2*n + 1 = O(n^2)\) -> Order of \(n^2\).
  • \(A\) -> \(n^2\), \(B\) -> \(n^2\), \(C\) -> \(n^2\), \(n\) -> \(1\), \(I\) -> \(1\), \(j\) -> \(1\)
  • Total: \(2*n^2 + 3 = O(n^2)\) -> Order of \(n^2\).

Time Complexity

  • Ceil of non-integer count
  • Conditional statements -> Worst and Best case statements

Class of Time Functions

  • \(O(1)\) -> Constant
  • \(O(log n)\) -> Logarithmic
  • \(O(n)\) -> Linear
  • \(O(n^2)\) -> Quadratic
  • \(O(n^3)\) -> Cubix
  • \(O(2^n)\) -> Exponential
Class of Time Functions

\(1 < log n < root(n) < n < n * (log n) < n^2 < n^3 ... < 2^n < 3^n < ... < n^n\)

Asymptotic Notation

  • Comes from Mathematics
  • O -> big-oh -> Upper Bound of a Function
  • Ω -> big—omega -> Lower Bound of function
  • θ -> theta -> Average Bound

Best and Average

Recurrence Relations - Recursive Algorithms

Master Theorem

\(T(n) = aT(b/n) + f(n)\) Brilliant - Master Theorem